About 4 years ago, we were living in Germany, we had some friends over. The wife and her daughter were in the house with me and our kids while our husbands were out in the parking lot working on hubby's old Mazda. He paid $600 bucks to purchase it, and countless hours afterwards. This is the car that hubby got pulled over in, not because he was cruising at 120mph on the autobahn, but because it was so loud!
Anyway, whatever hubby and his friend were working on that day, they were having a hard time. Hence the car was labeled as a "red head" because of it's bright red paint job and men's tendency to refer to their cars as females. That day a new joke was born between us, my husband's difficult red head would be the butt of many jokes.
After the red Mazda he had a BMW (we were in Germany, they were cheap there!), which wasn't red. But after that was a red Toyota Celica, which had it's share of difficulties, and now we have just traded in our minivan for yet another "red head".
It's a '98 Dodge Dakota Sport. Hubby claims he doesn't even care for the color red on vehicles. "I like blues and greens." he'll proclaim. Yet he keeps buying red vehicles!! Hubby loves Dodge Dakotas. Back in the day we had a black one that was slightly raised, had roll bars and lights. He loved that truck, but we had to sell it when we found out I was pregnant with Michael. He's in a mini heaven having a Dakota again. Though he'll say "it's not that nice", he had no problem parking it on the very very edge of the drive way so it wouldn't get hit by the door of a behemoth of a van when the kids get out. lol
Anyhow, we ended up having to take out a small two year loan to cover it. In doing so, hubby has to quit smoking. He had successfully quit before his R&R, was smoke free for near four months. But once he went back to Iraq, he started smoking again. So I know he can quit, but I'm worried about him actually doing it. The end of this month he leaves for Alabama for a six week class, he's planning on quitting then so we don't have to be around his grumpy, going through withdrawals self. So if you pray, please pray for him. He's gonna need it!
Like the new truck! I'm a Nissan truck person myself. :) Not that I'll ever own one over here...
That's something else I meant to say in my email yesterday (told ya I wasn't totally with it LOL). Will be praying he can kick the habit while he's away!
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