Saturday, August 30, 2008

What was I thinking?

There's no easy way to creep into this, it's the type of thing that you must be blunt about. We got a puppy. Plain and simple. I can not believe I did it! Michael's been bugging me for a pup for ages. I've always said no even though secretly I've been contemplating the idea. Today when I went to get the mail, the lady that works at the barbershop was outside with her dog and a litter of chocolate labs. Chocolate labs are my husband's favorite dog. So I actually broke down and bought one. I let Michael pick it out, though I insisted it be a girl. There was a beautiful dark one that I liked, but if we got the dog I wanted then it would be my dog. lol

We don't have her yet though, they're keeping her till Monday so we would have time to purchase all the necissary things. We just got back from errands, with a ton of dog stuff, including books from the library. I am not looking forward to house breaking a puppy. No matter how cute she is, or how beautiful her green eyes are.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Just Unloading

Whew... what a day. I am absolutely exhausted, but I just need to unload my thoughts on to something/someone. Since I have no one here I can talk to right now, I'm going to unload them here. I guess it's the journal effect.

My oldest complained of pain in his left eye since the young age of three or four. I brought him to an optometrist on the Air Force base near where we lived at the time. That lady in all her wisdom told me that he was too young for anything, that the eye is still forming at that age. If he was still having problems around the age of eight or ten, get him checked then.

Stupid me believed her.

My son has complained of his eyes hurting him whenever he reads. It used to be after like twenty minutes of reading, but lately since he's been at the public school they start to hurt a lot quicker. I finally got him to a real optometrist today and now I feel guilty! His right eye sees great, his left however is quite frankly awful. Is it just coincidence that this eye is so bad, and it was the one that's caused him pain since he was a wee little thing? I think not.

Anyhow, the doctor tried to explain to me that my son's eyes turn in. I don't really understand what the hell that means. The office was way behind, and it was late, and I had to get home to my other two kids so I didn't beg for more of an explanation. He mentioned vision therapy but said we'll try reading glasses first. Hopefully with some time with reading glasses his eyes will retrain and focus straight instead of turning in. If this is the case he may no longer need them when he's older, but only time will tell.

So we stood there looking at this wall of glasses. My poor son is built like his daddy, tall and slender. Except he hasn't exactly grown into the tall part yet, so he's just plain scrawny! Most frames made him look rather dorkish, but we finally found him a pair of slender frames that I think look great on him. My only complaint is that they make him look older. I can not believe the little baby I used to hold in my arms in the quiet stillness of the night, taking the time to trace the lines of his little baby face while he nursed is now this awkward 10 year old kid. Time just flies by.

So $139 later, we are waiting for his glasses. Due to Monday being the holiday, we're not likely to get them till Wednesday. I'm just thankful that the most responsible of my children is the one that's getting them. Here's hoping I don't have to buy him another pair in less than a year. If it was my daughter getting glasses, I'd really be feeling it. That girl is a textbook blonde in disguise, I swear! She is so forgetful, and so ditzy it's pathetic!

Wednesday we were looking everywhere for a book she brought home from school to read. She looked here, she looked there, she looked everywhere. While I'm lecturing her on her lack of being responsible and how she was going to have to pay for the book, she stood there just staring at me. The next morning I decide I would go through her stuff, the book was in the front pocket of her backpack. Even though she told me she had looked there like three times! I swear, the girl just doesn't think sometimes.

I do have to say though, she makes me proud of her in other areas. She for one, has not given up the habit of saying grace before a meal. Which I absolutely love. Yesterday she told me that a girl asked her if she was praying, when Kirsten said yes the girl said that she prayed too. I just felt so happy and proud of her. Unlike my oldest who does not say grace anymore. *sigh* I need to start praying for them more. They need it!

Okay, I feel better now that I've unloaded. I need to crawl into bed, it's late!

Photo Friday

Yay! I'm back with a new silly, perhaps slightly lame theme. But hey, I thought them up all by myself, and that counts for something right? RIGHT?? Anyway... "Photo Friday", I don't think I need to explain that much. If you don't get it, then I'm sure there's lots of things you don't get, and I'm afraid I can't help you out much in that area. :p

Did you know, that today is Mary Poppins birthday? Well, according to the Holidays for Everyday website it is. Mary Poppins was one of the few movies I absolutely loved as a kid. To this day I sometimes wish I could pop into a chalk drawing and escape the realities of life for a few hours. (Why does this NOT surprise you?) lol And that got me to thinking about chalk drawings, real ones. I know pics have gone around via e-mail and such, but I thought I'd revisit them.


Julian Beever's work is really amazing. He obviously has more talent in his belly button than I have in my entire body! I chose this one in particular because it holds that same sense of childhood escape that was in the Mary Poppins movie.

In other areas, today is due to be a very busy day for me. I have a $500 order from DCWV on it's way via FedEx today! I'm so excited to get that stuff up on my site, maybe onto ebay. The ladies at church are asking for a scrapping class. I have never even BEEN to a scrapping class never mind leading one. After I get this stock though, I'll have to start hammering out the details of my first ever!

My son has an eye appointment today. The poor boy is long overdue for it, I'm sure he's gonna need glasses for reading. Then there's a slumber party at church for the women's ministry. I'm going to lug all my kids down there and make an appearance anyway. We're supposed to reveal our secret sister. I think I already have mine figured out. We'll see if I'm right. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thanks Mom!

I really do love my mom, but this morning I found myself saying "Gee, thanks mom." in the sarcastic sort of way. Way back at Easter, she had got them these cute little chicks. They have sensors on the bottom and when you hold them they chirp. Constantly.

This morning, a good fifteen minutes before my alarm goes off I hear it. In incessant chirping of a little electric chick. And it won't quit! I come out of my room to find my youngest sitting on the couch with it. Other than the ear piercing chirp she was being absolutely silent. Thanks mom. :)

Well, it is Thursday, and I continue to bring a daily theme! Yeah, yeah, so it's only day two. But hey! It is a continuation is it not? I am proud of myself. :) (hee hee... what can I say... sometimes I am amused easily.)

As you can see, the theme for this wonderful day of the week is "Thoughtful Thursday". For the first ever, I wanted to bring out a proverb. And there was one I came across that spoke to my heart. Kinda hit home with me, thought maybe someone else could use to hear it too.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

So many times in life I choose to stay in my safe area, but really, that's not what God created me for. We are to set sail in life, looking for those who may need a little tow, or simply a partner to journey with. But we are not to set sail with no destination, no path. We are to keep our eyes on Him, and our destination is beyond our wildest imagination!

With that out of the way, I am off to get some stuff sent in the mail, and then I plan to be a bit lazy today and spend some time playing my Sims2 game. I got Apartment Life last night and can't wait to get some game time. :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday What?

Well, this morning Caitlin & I had an appointment at the school. My baby is following in her biggest brother's footsteps with needing speech therapy. Every Tuesday morning she will have 30 minutes of speech counseling. She's so outgoing though, shell have no problem. She might complain that it's not long enough!

On to other matters...

In an effort to get this blog actually rolling, and mildly interesting, I thought I'd come up with a "theme" for each day of the week. Something that would give me a reason to post even when I have nothing interesting going on in my life. Besides, who really wants to just read about me and my life right? Sure I'll still ramble and bore folks half to death, but at least this way there should be a few interesting things. :)

I've decided that Wednesday would be christened as the Wednesday What. I will strive to bring my imaginary visitors something that makes them go "Huh?" or perhaps ask "What were they thinking?" Sometimes humorous, sometimes mind boggling. It all depends on my mood. :)

For the first ever Wednesday What (or any theme post really) I'd like to bring to the table a picture, and ask... would you really want to visit this establishment?

I mean really, if they're apologizing for being open, do you even want to try their food?

Ha ha! Such things make me so thankful, cause I know I'm not the only one that screws things up!

You can find this and other humorous signs at Ami Simms.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting Out

Well here I am, once again. I've had so many blogs and websites in the last 13 years that I've lost count really. Seems I am one usually looking for change. While I enjoy the mini-games at myspace, and the ease it offers to check up on my friends, I long for someplace a little more... what's the word... grown up. I tried facebook, but there's something about that place that is just too plain... perhaps too grown up! lol What can I say, I have a light heartedness within myself that likes a little whimsy, yet at the same time I don't care for childish things.

Take this blog for example, I searched for custom templates and eventually became torn between two. The one I am with right now, and this one here. This one I've decided on for now is light, airy, and doesn't take things too seriously. Yet the other one has such an elegance to it, it's the inner woman who wants to get out!

Anyway... It looks like I've started this blog out right. Living up to the "rambling" of the sometimes questionable sanity! Hey, at least I've done something right for today! I can check that requirement off of my checklist. :)