On to other matters...
In an effort to get this blog actually rolling, and mildly interesting, I thought I'd come up with a "theme" for each day of the week. Something that would give me a reason to post even when I have nothing interesting going on in my life. Besides, who really wants to just read about me and my life right? Sure I'll still ramble and bore folks half to death, but at least this way there should be a few interesting things. :)
I've decided that Wednesday would be christened as the Wednesday What. I will strive to bring my imaginary visitors something that makes them go "Huh?" or perhaps ask "What were they thinking?" Sometimes humorous, sometimes mind boggling. It all depends on my mood. :)
For the first ever Wednesday What (or any theme post really) I'd like to bring to the table a picture, and ask... would you really want to visit this establishment?
I mean really, if they're apologizing for being open, do you even want to try their food?
Ha ha! Such things make me so thankful, cause I know I'm not the only one that screws things up!
You can find this and other humorous signs at Ami Simms.
Ha ha! Such things make me so thankful, cause I know I'm not the only one that screws things up!
You can find this and other humorous signs at Ami Simms.
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