Whew... what a day. I am absolutely exhausted, but I just need to unload my thoughts on to something/someone. Since I have no one here I can talk to right now, I'm going to unload them here. I guess it's the journal effect.
My oldest complained of pain in his left eye since the young age of three or four. I brought him to an optometrist on the Air Force base near where we lived at the time. That lady in all her wisdom told me that he was too young for anything, that the eye is still forming at that age. If he was still having problems around the age of eight or ten, get him checked then.
Stupid me believed her.
My son has complained of his eyes hurting him whenever he reads. It used to be after like twenty minutes of reading, but lately since he's been at the public school they start to hurt a lot quicker. I finally got him to a real optometrist today and now I feel guilty! His right eye sees great, his left however is quite frankly awful. Is it just coincidence that this eye is so bad, and it was the one that's caused him pain since he was a wee little thing? I think not.
Anyhow, the doctor tried to explain to me that my son's eyes turn in. I don't really understand what the hell that means. The office was way behind, and it was late, and I had to get home to my other two kids so I didn't beg for more of an explanation. He mentioned vision therapy but said we'll try reading glasses first. Hopefully with some time with reading glasses his eyes will retrain and focus straight instead of turning in. If this is the case he may no longer need them when he's older, but only time will tell.
So we stood there looking at this wall of glasses. My poor son is built like his daddy, tall and slender. Except he hasn't exactly grown into the tall part yet, so he's just plain scrawny! Most frames made him look rather dorkish, but we finally found him a pair of slender frames that I think look great on him. My only complaint is that they make him look older. I can not believe the little baby I used to hold in my arms in the quiet stillness of the night, taking the time to trace the lines of his little baby face while he nursed is now this awkward 10 year old kid. Time just flies by.
So $139 later, we are waiting for his glasses. Due to Monday being the holiday, we're not likely to get them till Wednesday. I'm just thankful that the most responsible of my children is the one that's getting them. Here's hoping I don't have to buy him another pair in less than a year. If it was my daughter getting glasses, I'd really be feeling it. That girl is a textbook blonde in disguise, I swear! She is so forgetful, and so ditzy it's pathetic!
Wednesday we were looking everywhere for a book she brought home from school to read. She looked here, she looked there, she looked everywhere. While I'm lecturing her on her lack of being responsible and how she was going to have to pay for the book, she stood there just staring at me. The next morning I decide I would go through her stuff, the book was in the front pocket of her backpack. Even though she told me she had looked there like three times! I swear, the girl just doesn't think sometimes.
I do have to say though, she makes me proud of her in other areas. She for one, has not given up the habit of saying grace before a meal. Which I absolutely love. Yesterday she told me that a girl asked her if she was praying, when Kirsten said yes the girl said that she prayed too. I just felt so happy and proud of her. Unlike my oldest who does not say grace anymore. *sigh* I need to start praying for them more. They need it!
Okay, I feel better now that I've unloaded. I need to crawl into bed, it's late!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
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