Well, today's visit with the therapist went well. I was starting to waiver in my determination to get him tested, and she just helped me see how important it is to push that issue. The way she said it is that Johnathan is bored. (I knew that.) But he had been able to handle his emotions decently until his dad left. That extra amount of emotions was more than he knows how to handle. So rather than acting out at home regarding his dad leaving, he's coping with his father's absence, but not coping with the boredom at school.
Now the big struggle is to see if I can get his teachers to see it. She suggested that I approach them, not as a parent who is emotionally invested in having my son labeled as gifted, but as a parent who is concerned about his behavioral problems, and if giving him more challenging work is what he needs, then that's what we need to pursue. She also said that kids that are gifted often are perfectionists as well. And that would explain his outbursts in PE. He doesn't know how to handle not being so good at the physical aspects, and that's something we'll have to work on.
So, I'm just going to be praying for God to give me wisdom, and a way with words that will disarm the teachers and to get the need across without insulting anyone. I want to thank those who have left helping comments and words of encouragement. They've helped me more than you know!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
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