I can not believe it is Saturday already! This week just seemed to disappear from right in front of my eyes! It's been a trying week. Johnathan has not had smooth sailing in school, I got a bit upset with my husband (that's putting it nicely), and I've listed my inventory on the Internet to try to get rid of it at cost. It's been a down week, I retreated into my comfort zone. Staying home as much as possible, and hiding. What can I say? I know it's not right, but it's what I do. Always have.
But, today is feeling better. Michael has a basketball game. The poor boy doesn't really want to go. His team hasn't won a game yet, they have three different guys that take turn coaching. There's no real structure to his team, and it shows on the court. I don't want to let him stop going, the team needs him (most games they barely have enough boys to make a team), but more importantly, I don't want to teach him it's okay to quit just because your down. It's hard though, even I have a hard time sitting in the stands listening to parents of the other team cheer and correct their boys. It's so hard to hear them yelling things at the kids. I just want to blurt out "They're winning already! They're good enough, stop yelling at them!"
I got a package in the mail today from the Wamego School District. I don't know what to make of it. Apparently my oldest was referred to them for testing. But in this packet it asks a lot of questions about our personal life. I don't like it. If I was going to be sent such a thing, you'd think someone would have called me and let me know. As far as I know Michael's been doing good at school. I wanted, tried, pushed for Johnathan to get tested, nothing. Absolutely nothing. But they're pushing Michael. The only thing I can figure, is that Michael is academically behind, so he looks bad on their statistics, and want to move heaven and earth to get him to normal. Johnathan on the other hand looks just fine on their testing results. No need to allow him to move up.
I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly negative, but when I'm not being contacted about these things, what else am I supposed to do besides come to my own conclusions?
Anyhow... I talked with the missionaries from Wycliff today. God is so good, and I just LOVE it when he moves people places and orchestrates happenings. It's a reminder that He is indeed an all powerful God. It makes me all happy to see Him work!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
The more you tell me about the school your kids attend the more I'm interested to know how it works!! ...They didn't tell you that they were sending a packet out to get your son tested for something??!!! How ridiculous is that??!! Very strange!! I would definitely call and ask. If they are testing for IEP reasons, they get a social history on the family to help determine if there were any issues or possible events in his life that could have had an impact on his learning. That is why they are asking. It is a requirement to do a social/family history when testing for special education. In my opinion, sometimes it is a little too personal.. but in the right situtation it can make all the difference in the world as how a teacher approaches discipline or acdemic learning. For example, if a child has for any reason been abused verbally or mentally in the past, they may use a positive reward system rather than a negative because they have had too much negativity in their lives. Another example... A child may have had a severe head injury or body injury that could have impacted the brain and the way it learns. It can be a very invasive process.. but you only have to share what you want too... and what YOU FEEL could have been an impact on your son's learning or behaviors. Does that make sense??
Thank you for explaining to me a bit on why they'd be asking such questions. Quite honestly, at this point, I trust a friend of a friend a whole lot more than this school system!
I was just floored to get a packet from a School Psychologist without warning. I'm definitely calling on Tuesday, cause this lack of communication is 100% NOT okay!
Your words helped me to disarm a little bit, cause quite frankly I'm ready to go crazy on these people!
No problem!! I hope it all works out!! I absolutely live the new plan with the kids too!!! It sounds great and creative.. And I love the fact that you will have your own evidence as to the work level!!!
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