Anyhow... yesterday Johnathan tested for his camo belt. That boy is so psyched up. He's thrilled that now he'll get to participate in sparring and weapons training. I'm riding on the coat tails of that excitement as long as I can and trying to use it to influence his behavior at school. Today is his show and tell day at school so he brought all four of his belts to show off.
Unfortunately two of the pieces of sparring gear that I bought used are too big for him. So the good news is he'll grow into them and use them later if he sticks with it, bad news is, I need to find proper sized gear super quick. This stuff is so expensive!!
Today I get to watch my daughter's gymnastics for the first time since the gym reopened after the tornado. Usually I have to drop her off and run to something else. I'm really looking forward to that and just wish I could be more involved with her. *sigh* Yeah, some responsibility needs to go, cause my kids are growing fast, and they are not getting the attention and time that they deserve.
Love the pictures. I'm with you on the expensive is not a cheap sport!
I need to do a schedule like that myself.
Did ya see on my blog that we got confirmation of a girl? :)
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