Hola big world! I'm sitting here on my couch with Backyardigans on the tv and seeing our puppy go to town licking my daughter's feet and legs. It's almost as if Nahla thinks she's the mom and Caitlin's the pup. Should I be offended that Nahla is telling me my daughter is dirty? lol It's funny though.
Yesterday I visited with Johnathan's teachers after school. (You can see the reason why two posts down.) I still don't know exactly what the solution will look like, but it became painfully obvious to me, that part of the problem was the lack of communication between the teachers and I. They had to go so far as to put him on a special plan where he tries to earn rewards for good behavior, and I wasn't told about it! So I approached them asking for what types of things they've done in the past to keep better communication with parents when needs like this arise. So now he has a notebook that he has to bring to every class he goes to. The teachers will write just a little note on if he's had a good day or not, and he'll bring it home to me. I'm hopeful. Part of the issue is he knows they don't have any real consequences to give him. He leaves school and leaves his problems. Now he'll be held accountable for his behavior at school at home. I'm hoping this will help him make better decisions. This morning I had him stand in front of my bathroom mirror and I used styling cream to make his bangs stand up/out. He liked the extra attention and then I held his hands and prayed for him. It seemed to have given him a new confidence as I asked him if he was going to have a good day at school he shook his head yes and pointed up and said "Because of God." I am so thankful that Jesus is real in their lives. I don't know for sure if he's believed in Christ with a saving faith, but at least he's getting a decent foundation. Who knows, maybe this is why God has allowed this to go so far, maybe Johnathan needs more discipling.
Any how, Caitlin and I will be heading to the library today to do story time. I haven't done a story time at a library since my first two were itty bitty things. I'm hoping this will become a weekly thing for us, something special between Caitlin and I.
Hubby called this morning. It's official he's reenlisting this Friday! Woo-hoo! And God's fingerprints are all over it. He's likely to even be promoted come November. Double woo-hoo! God is good. So very, very good.
Which reminds me, I have card kits to put together. During Calvary Kids Club the kids of the church are going to be working on getting packages together for Operation Christmas Child. Their leader wants the kids to make cards to go in them, so I volunteered to put kits together for them. Hey any reason to stop by Hobby Lobby is a good one for me. :)
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
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