*sigh* The weekend is over and it's back to the week. I feel so drained that I am so tempted to say adios to the schedule I made for myself. But the boys' clothes hampers are overflowing, so is the sink with dishes, so I do have to get some work done today. I'm thankful we don't have to go anywhere after school today.
Saturday was good. We tried something a little different than usual. We worked for an hour cleaning up the house, then we took an hour break. Then we worked for an hour in the garage organizing the leftovers from our garage sale so I can hopefully get rid of it easier, then took an hour break. After lunch we went outside and worked for an hour raking leaves, then... well, you get the idea. Work, break, work, break. It actually worked very well for my kids. Since their work was interrupted by play time I got less attitude from them, and it worked well. Saturday seemed really long for me.
Then yesterday a lady at church that I really felt was a friend of mine dropped a bomb on me. She picked up her son from class and told me they would not be returning. She didn't want to talk about it, but they were leaving and not coming back. My jaw sort of dropped. I wanted to ask her why, I could tell she was hurt about something, but if someone tells you they don't want to talk about it, what are you to do? I'm not a pushy person, I am more than happy to listen if someone is willing to talk, but if they don't want to talk, then I'm not going to pressure them. It was the suddenness of it that really shocked me. There had not been any hinting to dissatisfaction, in all the times we talked, even looking back with hindsight I didn't see any hints to something boiling underneath the surface. For someone to just up and leave without talking about it is hard to accept.
And not to sound selfish, but she was the pre-school teacher. So we have one week to figure out what we're going to do. It looks right now like I'll be taking both classes. Thankfully we're small enough, I can do that, but if we get a visitor with little ones, I won't be able to do that on my own. You can't effectively teach six 9-11 year olds while trying to keep a couple babies happy while they're going through separation anxiety.
Anyhow, it just really brought me to my knees in praying that God will save this church. There's so much turmoil, and it really feels like we're under attack of the evil one. He despises churches that teach the word of God, and he's apparently not very happy with us right now.
I also spent a good amount of time on the phone yesterday with family in Arizona. My (husband's) grandpa's funeral service was Saturday. It was neat to hear of the people that came to pay their respects. The man that hired him back in 1950 something was there, along with old friends he worked with, and even his hearing aid guy came. The church has really surrounded my (husband's) grandma and has been bringing her food and checking on her. She has her sister with her, along with her sister in-law. So God has been good and answered/is answering prayers to surround her with love. I got to talk to her, and she's doing good given the circumstances. The church recorded the service and we'll be getting a cop of it. One of my father in-laws friends from his church made a picture slide show to celebrate his life. And my father in-law who is a worship leader sang a song for his dad. I know that had to be a hard thing for him to do.
Wow... I've rambled and rambled. I guess I'm making up for my relative quietness lately. I need to find the will power to actually do my household chores today. Cause tomorrow I'm going shopping for supplies for baby girl announcements and I want all my work done today so I can spend time creating tomorrow!!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
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