What a day today is turning out to be, and it's not even half way over yet! (Though it probably will be by time I finish typing this out and get it posted.)
To begin with I found out that my younger son has been lying to me this whole past week! We're having issues with him at school, I had been holding his Sparring gear captive, saying he wasn't going to get it until he had five days at school where he didn't purposefully give the teachers a hard time. All last week he was ensuring me he was having good days at school so he finally got his sparring gear. This morning I went into his class with him, because he had not been turning in a book, just to find out he has not been behaving. In fact it has gone so far as he will stand outside of the room refusing to go in.
I am at a loss with this boy! Basically he pretends to be stupid. Says he doesn't know where things are when he does know. He pretends he doesn't know the rules when he does. He yells "why are you ruining my paper?" when he's the one crumbling it up. I mean it's just weird extreme stuff. All I can think is it's an attention thing. He acts like that he gets attention. He didn't just start this since going to school, it's something he's always done so school isn't the cause of it. But I've grounded this boy, I've restricted him, I've taken things away. None of it works. I'm afraid I'm going to have to go to just plain old spanking him.
My youngest had her speech therapy today, so I was able to spend sometime with him in his class, and I see things that I think are triggering it. The fact that at the age of 6 & 7 these kids have to constantly change classrooms. I understand why the school does it that way, but I think the constant changing isn't good for my son, it's distracting and works against him trying to pay attention. There's other things too, and now I'm wondering if I made a mistake by putting him into the public school. My oldest two are doing great, I have no doubt that they are right where they need to be, but I fear for Johnathan. He is a really smart little buggar. I've been telling these teachers that he's a bright boy, they need to challenge him, but all they're seeing is a little boy that is struggling at the level he's at. I'm going to have to seriously pray over this. I thought I was done with homeschool, but if it's what will save my son from building this bad foundation, and it's holding him back, then it's what I need to do.
Anyhow, I got my haircut today. She went ahead and straightened it and it looks so good! I would buy one except I know I will never spend 15 extra minutes on my hair. I just don't have the time, nor the want honestly. Today for example, I have September financial reports that I MUST get done today!! And I am running out of time!
There was so much more I wanted to share. The fact that Michael is going to try out taekwando, that my step-brother about gave my mom a heart attack. lol My frustrations with not being able to talk to my husband, a card I want to make and more. But I've rambled enough and I have work to do and a daughter who wants attention!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
He sounds so much like my youngest. I'll be praying for you both daily. I know how much dealing with it can sap you.
Moving my youngest to a more structured class, with strict rules, etc has made a huge difference this school year. Is that even a possibility there?
Now if we could just figure out how to make recess less of a problem...
Thanks Jenni! For the prayers, but also for reassuring me that I'm not alone in this.
I've begun working closer with his teachers, hopefully we'll get things worked out and figure out what works for him.
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