Around... that's what I've been. Just not here. Life's busy, I've got the craft show this weekend, throw in Thanksgiving, and trying to mentally/emotionally prepare for the husband's return. His e-mail today told me that they're no longer working, now they just sit around waiting to get flights out. My poor hubby is probably going to be stuck in Kuwait for Thanksgiving. Oh well, it beats being in Iraq.
I'm afraid I don't have a ton to say. I just wanted to check in today, I've had a horrible case of the headaches tormenting me. No amount of tylenol has worked, this is not normal for me. I'm taking a small break tonight to watch Wall-e with the kids. It's a cute movie. I'll probably post on Sunday or Monday telling how my craft show went. Hopefully it'll go well.
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
Wall-e was much better than I expected. Is it on DVD already? We just saw it in the theaters last month...but then again Europe is sometimes a bit behind with movies.
I hope your headaches will let up soon. How are things going with the puppy?
Sent you an email. :)
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