Have you seen the new sprint commercial where firefighters are in charge of the government? If not, check it out here. It really is a great commerical.
If only life was that simple eh? I had told myself the best idea when it came to politics and my blog was to keep them separate! Everywhere I look I see politics causing problems between people. It seems like politics and religion are the two topics that are guaranteed to cause problems. While I will speak openly about my beliefs and my faith, I'm not so quick to do so when it comes to politics. Why? Cause I believe my faith is the truth. The truth that has the power to save people from hell. I know there are many in this world that would call me closed minded, old fashioned but I don't care what they think of me. The world rejected my Savior, why would I expect to be treated any differently?
But when it comes to politics and who is the best person for various jobs, I do not think there is a "truth". I have my opinions, my neighbors have theirs, the media has their own. Politics is something that I've always taken the "agree to disagree" high road. And I don't want to descend from that in this post. But as I'm up late tonight, thanks to my poor baby girl having a fever, I'm watching the news, and I'm just troubled. Since I haven't been able to talk with my husband for some time, I have no one to discuss it with. So, I'm turning to this. It's my only option other than keeping it all bottled up in myself.
As for the title of my post... I do, I see politics tearing friends apart. I found myself correcting people. Obama is not a Muslim, Obama is not the anti-christ. And the fact that people scoffed at me over stating the facts is telling. Why were people so scared of him that they resorted to making lies to attack him? All that does is make the other side look cowardly, devious and desperate. It does more harm to them than to the candidate they were hoping to damage.
I will say upfront that last night CNN was my channel of choice for election coverage. I see NBC as far too left, and Fox as a bit right. I do think that CNN tilts to the left, but overall they're fair. Their fancy hologram reporting was a bit over the top for me, the money spent on all that fancy show off technology could have been used for far better causes, but ehh, what ya gonna do about that?
I was intrigued last night, as they broke down the information they gathered from exit polls. Since I can't seem to find it on the CNN website today, I'll do my best to pull it from memory. Over 60% of the people that said race was a major factor in their choice voted for Obama. I think that is wrong. Just like the near 50% of people that voted against him because of his race is wrong. I am by no means a racist, four years ago I wished that Collin Powell would put his bid in for the presidency. But to vote for or against someone because of the color of their skin. That's just wrong. I understand and agree that a major turning point happened in this country, and quite frankly I'm glad that it did happen. I just wish no part of it would have been based on such superficial reasons.
On the flip side, a lot of people voted against McCain because of his age. While I don't agree with that, I think it is legitimate. I mean, lets face the facts, I think John McCain is a hero of this country, I feel his image was drug through the mud and distorted, both by the other side, and his own campaign. But he is no spring chicken, and having Palin as the president in waiting... that just doesn't jive. While I admire Palin and all she stands for. Every person is made to fullfill a role in this world, I just don't think the President is one she was created for at this time of her journey, she just didn't have the knowledge or experience for it.
I admit, as I watched John McCain give his speech last night, I was deeply moved. He is a man of integrity all the way. When his supporters booed Obama, he stopped them. The clincher of the night was when he blamed the failure of his campaign on himself. That was sad to me. I don't want him to ever see himself as a failure. No, he's not perfect, no one on this planet is, but that man has given more to this country than most people can even dream of.
So now that Obama is our president elect, I'm worried for him. So many people have put him on this pedestal that is ridiculously high. He has been handed one of the worst situations our country has ever been in, and a ton of people are looking to him to solve all of our problems. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a president in recent history that has kept many of the promises they made while running for the office. Many people really believe he is different, they expect him to deliver. For that, I have to say good luck. Good luck Obama, you're going to need it!
I saw a video clip where a preacher was basically calling Obama the messiah for today. A different person compared him to Jesus, at the same time comparing Palin to Pilate. Never have I heard Obama put himself there, but others have. Others are looking to him to save this country. That's a very large task for anyone. Even though he has a majority of the house and the senate on his side, which is guaranteed to make things a bit easier on him, the problems this country currently faces have no easy fix.
I'm curious, once he gets all those super secret briefings, will his stance on speedy withdrawal from Iraq change? Or is he going to stay true to his promises of withdrawing all troops sometime in 2010? Will he still dump a ton of money into health care, and schools while not increasing taxes? Where's that money going to come from? I just don't see how he can keep all those promises. And honestly why should we expect him to? All other presidents in our life time have not kept their promises, why should he? Because his followers believe whole heartily that he is the answer to all of our problems.
I will be interested to see how it is received if he can not deliver all he promised. Will the media kindly forget the promises, as they did when he said he would not accept public funding but then did anyway? Or will they tear him apart over every little weakness as they do President Bush? I have my own opinion, but I will wait to see.
Now I will do as my Father has commanded. Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." There's a reason why Obama is having his moment to shine. No one can look at his journey to the White House and call it ordinary. The world is watching, we shall see what he does.
So now that I've unloaded all that was on my chest, I don't plan on posting anymore political blurbs. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, that was definitely not my intentions. I just needed to share some of my thoughts. I promise, once my hubby is home (some time around Dec. 10th I've learned tonight) ya'll won't be subjected to it as much. :)
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
While we may have voted for different people (and I can promise you I didn't vote for him cause of his race...), you said something that hit the nail on the head for me. I was torn on who to vote for until Palin entered the picture. That decided it for me. I don't believe she was ready to be president and while I believe McCain is a great man and a true American hero (as I think all former POW's are), you can't deny that he's no spring chicken. It's very possible something could happen to his health in the next 4 years and then we'd be left with her. I couldn't vote for that.
I thought his concession speech was sincere and moving and just goes to show what kind of person he truly is (something that the campaign didn't show so well at times...).
I don't expect perfection from Obama. He's human, he's going to screw up from time to time. I did pray for God's will in this election, I prayed before voting, and I feel good about his being chosen. I have never heard him compared to Jesus, was a lil shocked when I read that. There's no way for us to know what the future holds but at least we both know that even in this, God has His plans. :)
No offense taken to anything you said. We all have our own political opinions and I've recently shared some of mine with you. ;) I'm with you, it's best just to agree to disagree on this stuff. None of my friends are worth losing over politics.
I hope your daughter gets better soon!
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