Today is turning out to be one of those days. It seems like nothing I do comes out right. I've wasted so much time today attempting to get things accomplished and yet at the end of it all, absolutely nothing was accomplished. Add to it the fact I'm sick, and some really harsh words spoken by a child, I can't wait to climb in bed. First I have to head out to the church. If I hadn't promised I'd help with the packing of Operation Christmas Child boxes I wouldn't be going. I'm glad I am though. Even when all I want to do is crawl under a rock, getting myself to church around those who love God and love me helps to lift my spirits. Even if there are a bunch of loud kids running around.
My friend has gotten in the habit of posting what she is thankful for everyday. I think I need to start doing this! Force your mind to dwell on the positives and your bound to lift your mood a little. Today I'm so thankful for the years God gave me with my kids at home. Yesterday during Taekwondo, the leader revealed the new weapon that they're going to start training with in January. It's basically a glorified, shiny plastic sword. All the kids oohed and awed over it. Someone asked how much it is... "It's usually $50. But these two weeks it's on sale for $40." My jaw dropped. Holy cow! He then mentioned that you could train with the brown stick instead.
When we got home and I was tucking my kids in for the night, I asked my son what he thought about it. Of course he thought it was really cool. I asked if he had heard how much it costs. He hadn't. When I told him, I followed up with, "If you get that for Christmas, I'm afraid that's going to have to be your main gift." His reply? "Okay, I want the stick then." With no pouty face, no big bottom lip, no hint of sadness in his voice. I was floored. I asked him several times, "Really?" I asked him how he can say that so calmly. "Because I don't care what other people have. I don't want what they have." I was floored. This coming from my seven year old son. I just have to get it for him now. He totally deserves it.
So yeah, I'm thankful for my son, and the time God's given me with them. Here I thought nothing was sinking in!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
That is great. Isn't that how it goes? You think that you aren't making an impression on them and then they do or say something that just totally proves you wrong. I love it when I'm proven wrong like that. :)
I like your new site for the crafty stuff.
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