On the bright side, I now have more time to clean up. lol Not to mention play with my "stuff". I posted a card I made today on my other blog, and I really need to get making a good website. I gave out several cards at the craft show yesterday, I need to have a website to support it, but I just so am NOT in the mood to create a website. I have the know how, I just don't have the gumption. I wish there were a lady out there that would trade me a website for a discount on scrapbook items. lol If you are out there, contact me!!
Oh... thought I'd leave with this picture of my daughter, bored at the craft show yesterday.
Well...I have the know how but lack the motivation or desire to even finish making hubby's website. His site has a single page that I made in 10 minutes and threw up there lol.
Sorry about his delay but I'm glad it's only one day. Was worried it might drag out into a couple of days.
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