Oye, here at sit at 6:30 in the morning, struggling to wake up. Nahla naturally woke me up at 6 for her emergency bathroom break. Usually I lay back down hoping to doze off till 7 but this morning I couldn't. There's so much on my mind that i just had to spend some time in prayer. Our church is kind of in a mini-crisis, my husband is going through stuff, and I'm struggling to keep my head screwed on right!
Yesterday was 'clean the house' day for us. Unfortunately we only got the kitchen and livingroom done. Half my kids were giving me such a hard time with helping out that I lost it. I admit, I blew my top. Started spewing out why was it so difficult for them to help their mom clean up, they live here too, and how would they feel if every time they asked me for something I answered with "Do I haaaaave to???" I wish I could say I was always level headed and completely cool and put together, but that is not the case. Especially when it comes to my younger boy. That child has a lying problem, and he has it bad! He's been getting away with it at school so it's increased at home as well. This little actor can turn tears on in the snap of a finger. He just turns the waterworks on and all kinds of adults start tripping all over him! It drives me nuts, because I know they're fake. He also can turn them off just as quickly!
*sigh* Anyhow, after I lost my cool and yelled at them all we actually got some work done. Then thankfully my hubby called. It had been a long while since I got to hear his voice, and it was nice. Feeling connected is vital for a relationship to stay together when the two people are so far apart. The good news is he had his company board yesterday and he passed! So he is this month's NCO of the month (finally!). He goes to the brigade board on October 2nd. If he does well at that he can reenlist, maybe get promoted. The woman that seemed to be trying to ruin his career is now asking to be transferred to another company because it is so upsetting to her that she didn't get her way. It's been a real struggle for my hubby, and I'm just praying that he's growing in the Lord through all of it. Unfortunately he smoking again. Which I really do not like. He said he'd try to be smoke free when he comes home in December, but my gut aches and says it isn't gonna happen. I'm praying though. I want a smoke free husband dang it!
Anyhow, today will be a bit busy as well, but not too bad. There's the usual teaching Sunday School in the morning, the kids will go on a treasure hunt this morning. What they'll find at the X on the map is a Bible. Which leads into God's word is like a treasure map, it will lead you to the greatest treasure of all, a relationship with Jesus. I hope the kids will enjoy it. My daughter surprised me last night. She can now recite all 66 books of the bible from memory! Which is really sad that I can do the Old Testament and the first 11 of the new. I'm gonna have to step up my game and catch up with her!
Anyhow, this afternoon I have food to prepare for the pot luck, and a birthday cake to make for my daughter's birthday party tomorrow, not to mention cupcakes to bring to school on Tuesday which is my daughter's actual birthday. Then back out to church. Somewhere in there I need to fit in buying dog food. So I won't get any creating done for a while. But that's okay. I must invest more time in my kids.
Okay, so I'm rambling, and I've been doing so for 20 minutes! Guess it's time to get off this couch and walk Nahla. She's been keeping my feet warm for me this whole time!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
Congrats to your hubby!! I pray that this will resolve the issue and he'll be able to reenlist. :)
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