Anyway, I don't care if other's laugh. (I'm not technically a small town hick, cause I didn't grow up here, I just moved here a few years ago.) I'd like to share some pics. The parade started off with the firetruck.

Now I know why the volunteer Fire Dept. folks were at the station late last night. They were shining up their truck! (The firestation is diagonally across the road from me and one building over.)
Next was the Grand Marshal.

His sign says "A Cut Above the Rest."
Next along was the band.

Following the band were the candidates for homecoming royalty.

All three jeeps were donated by a local dealership to be used. See, that's what I mean, people caring about the community and wanting to be a part of it.
As for the class floats, they were all centered around Johnny Cash Songs.
Seniors had Ring of Fire

It was pretty funny, they had the "assembly line" for the falcons (their rivals that they'll be playing tonight) that were getting cooked. They had a bucket of chicken and were eating it.
Juniors got "Man in Black".

It was pretty cool cause each of the students were frozen in a position of an athlete in the various sports. On the tombstones are written "Falcons". You've gotta click on it to see it larger to really see it well.

Sophomores had Folsom Prison Blues

Obviously there's a "Falcon" in the jail cell with the Rock Creek Mustang being a jail warden.
The Freshmen had The Black Mobile, but there's was pretty stinky. lol Go figure, freshmen.
Anyway, I really hope we'll be able to stay here. It's a wonderful place for the kids to grow. This afternoon after the parade and picking up the kids Michael and I went to help out with moving from the old school into the new. I have an even greater appreciation for those poor teachers. They're using their own vehicles and moving their own heavy furniture. My back and hands are sooooooooooooooooooooo sore from just three hours of work, and those poor teachers have a lot more to do still.
Anyhow, I'm off to find something for dinner and try to unwind before getting my stamping done.
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