Then my youngest and I ate lunch with Johnathan, since it was his birthday. Their school is so different than the one I grew up in. Growing up our lunch and recess was our only real time to just be a kid, be loud, talk with your friends. This school is a whole other creature. As a mom, I'm glad they have rules in place to keep the kids from getting out of control. But it's so odd for me. They have to ask permission to put their tray away, then they have to put their head down on the table to wait for a teacher to tell them they can go. If it get loud at all the lights go off and everyone has to be quiet. I mean, my kids are louder in my van than they can be in the cafeteria. Now I know why they're so loud when they get home from school! They aren't allowed to make noise at school.
Johnathan had Taekwondo class. My son just HAD to tell his instructor that it was his birthday. So he got 7 Birthday Kicks. It was hillarious. Then we went out to Time Out Corner. It's an indoor mini golf/arcade place. My boys each wanted to play pool with me. I'm glad to report that I won both games. Though not by a whole lot. lol We had pizza and Johnathan had a fun time. We ran home to have cake and finish homework right before heading to bed. Johnathan kept saying it was great day. I'm so glad he enjoyed it, and I am so thankful that my kids are thankful. He didn't have a big party, and our time out really wasn't much, but he truly had a good time, and I'm so thankful that he had a good day.
September 11th, 2001 is a day the rest of America remembers as a sorrowful day. And though I grieve the loss of so many, I can not allow that to take over. That day the Lord blessed me with my son.
Anyhow, as for today, it's already started out eventful. My morning walk in the rain with Nahla had another dog follow us home. Thankfully she was friendly. I called the number on her tags, but there was no answer. So off to City Hall she went. Today is filled with dishes and laundry. Michael has an eye appointment today. Wednesday he started complaining about his eyes hurting again. They better not make me pay another hundred and something dollars for a new prescription. We'll see what happens.
So off to work I go. :)
That's a really cute pic!!
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