Last week I had decided I'd label Monday's theme "Music Mondays". Saturday I found out that Esterlyn is returning to perform for our church. This got me so excited. We are in such a small building though we really need to find a place to host them that won't break the budget of our small little church. This will be an important part of my prayers, as they have a great sound for the youth of today, and we're currently trying to get a reservation with the Christian College which is neighbor to K-State University. What a perfect outreach!
Anyhow, since this is what's happening right now, I thought I'd highlight them today. Esterlyn, a great group of guys who love the Lord and are just trying to use His gifts to them to bring Him glory.
On a personal note, we got Nahla today, our new chocolate lab pup. She is so mellow it's crazy. It may be just because she's so unsure of her new surroundings, her tail had been between her legs a time or two, but mostly she's just been chillin. Which is driving my kids crazy because they want to play with her, but she simply doesn't want to.
That's our pup. So far extremly calm and mellow. We'll see if she 'lightens up' after she gets used to us.
Congrats on your new puppy. You are definitely more brave then me. My oldest wants a dog so badly but I just can't bring myself to get one yet. So good luck!
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