I warn ya ahead of time, I feel this will be rather rambly.
These last few days have been buh-seee. (busy, emphasized!) My hubby no longer has Internet, and my moms on vacation, so I haven't unloaded on any one.
Lets start with leaves! The calendar says tomorrow is the first day of fall, but our trees have been shedding their leaves for over a week. And when you have nine trees in your backyard, plus at least five around the perimeter. All those trees leave a ton of leaves! And we're only at the beginning of the season! I love how pretty the landscape gets this time of year. I grew up in the desert where there is no such thing as four seasons. There's winter and summer, that's it. Oh wait, I forgot the monsoon season! But all those leaves are a lot of work. Thankfully I have three kids that are getting bigger and want to earn some money. So they spent a good part of the afternoon raking up leaves at $1 a bag. Meanwhile I'm inside trying to fix up a scrap area. A good portion of our basement was dedicated to homeschooling. Now that I'm not doing that anymore I think it's time to make some room for my crafts stuff! I really do love creating things, and it's been so long since I've done it. I figure if I can get my stuff out of the giant heap it was in I may get more opportunities. So, you just might be seeing some craft corner snap shots coming soon. :)
As for the Knees... my poor baby girl! I swear, that little girl's knees will be permanently scabbed till she becomes a teenager! And it always seems to happen at church. Wednesday she fell down in the parking lot and scraped up her knee. Ever since then she's had more falls. While they've been rather small falls, her scab keeps breaking open, making it bleed all over again. Then tonight at church she falls again, this time scraping the other one. And it bleeds, and bleeds, and bleeds and bleeds. The poor girl has two knees all bloodied up.
As for the God things... my Lord is so good. You know, he just blows me away when He decides to show me his Mercy and Grace. Our church is rather small, barely more than a year old. I teach the Sunday School, which is for ages between 6 - 12. We have five kids that are regulars, and two that come and go. So we average six kids, three of them are mine! Anyway, we started a new curriculum today that focuses on the Bible. Along with our studies, we launched a "Change that can change the world." fund campaign. Basically we're asking that people put a few coins in a container. The money we raise will be going to the Wycliff organization to help fund missionaries that are working on getting the Bible Translated into languages that don't have a Bible in their own language. Anyhow, this morning I gave a short presentation to the congregation about it. In one day someone brought in $70 worth of change they've been saving up, and another has told me that they will match what ever funds the children raise! God's just blowing me away. I had set a goal of $200 for the kids. I figured we only have three families represented in our little class, that that was a decent goal. But if we have $140 in one day, man, God has a waaaaaaay bigger goal than I ever could think of.
He also got me up singing worship tonight. I haven't been able to sing with the worship team since we moved buildings last March because I'm the only Sunday School teacher. Tonight when I walked in our worship leader let me know I was singing. lol I just love to sing out to my Lord. It's funny, when I sing regular old songs, my voice isn't all that great. But when I sing from my heart, adoring my Maker, it's just such a sweet song. It felt great to be able to do that.
This coming week will be busy, but I'll be around. :)
Birthday Duo
I'm back with a simple duo. One of my goals this year is to use up some of
my stash that I've had sitting around for years. It's so hard because after
a wh...
14 years ago
Have I mentioned how much I really miss US churches????????
I'm also a lil jealous. I want a work area for me. Hubby has his work room and garage but I don't have a place to set up my scrapbook stuff. I think we need to add another room to the house! :)
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