Friday, September 5, 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

It's stinkin COLD outside! Less than a week ago we were down right hot. Now it's down right cold, and rainy and just dreary outside. It's like we switched from summer to fall in a two day span. I LOVE Christmas, but I don't care all that much for fall and winter. I so much more prefer spring and summer. But, there is a time for everything! I just need to accept it.

Today is my "Photo Friday" and though I already posted a pic in my MySpace album, I want to share it here. My oldest got his reading glasses!

I brought them to him in the middle of the school day. When I picked him up from school he proudly proclaimed, "I read 15 pages and my eyes don't hurt at all!" It was great news, and hopefully he won't hate reading so much anymore.